Welcome to:

Wizard's Castle


What is DeRP?

DeRP is a roleplaying system that I am currently writing. The core concept of DeRP is that characters and elements of the environment are communicated qualitatively (with verbal descriptions) rather than quantitatively (through numerical statistics). It's far from finished, so feel free to let me know where you think it could be improved or where it is lacking.


FlyW8 is another "system" I made and is also the "system" DeRP is based on. I put "system" in quotation marks because it's really an extremely barebones ruleset that relies almost entirely on GM bullshittery in order to actually be used. The point of FlyW8 was to see if I could create a system that took up fewer than 2000 characters, and therefore could fit in a single Discord message or 4chan post. The best use-case I can think of for FlyW8 is if you and 4 friends want to play an RPG but you're innawoods without any rulebooks and only a single D6 between you. Regardless, I guarantee this is the rules-lightest system you'll ever learn.
